Info Select 10 Release History

12/16/2010 – version 10.00.64. Final release.

01/11/2011 – version 10.00.65
Behavior of Context and Folder panes, Keyboard shortcuts, behavior of hyperlinks in Notes and e-mails, attachments in received e-mail messages, Images in HTML e-mails, alarm in Calendar, Import files from prior versions, RCM for attachments, behavior of RESEND command, printing Notes with Header&Footer, autosorting in Selector, exporting data to prior version, creating backups, behavior of Default Templates, deleting contexts.

Added an option to show external images in HTML e-mail for delivery

02/04/2011 –  version 10.00.66.
Closing the application, contexts, searching, highlighting search keys, e-mail receiving, sending HTML messages, replying to e-mail message, databases, forms, drag&drop item in Selector, copy&paste items in Selector, copy&paste attachment from e-mail to Selector, opening files in Selector, deletion of contexts, printing of Notes, formatting in Notes, restoring printing defaults, converting files from prior versions, exporting to txt file, spelling, editing attachments, closing Selector, pasting image with text into Note, reverting files.

03/14/2011 –  version 10.00.67.
Fixed issues connected with: searching, searching in imported data, automatic encryption of sent e-mail messages, exporting to txt files, sending HTML messages with images, printing of Topics, databases, calendar alarms, opening files in Network, Ticklers, importing data from prior versions, viewing Notes and received e-mail messages, attachments in encrypted Notes, sending Notes by e-mail, setting Calendar appointments, Literal Captions in imported Notes, printing Notes, receiving e-mail, drawing Images, editing attachments, encrypting files, encrypting imported Notes, startup expiration warning, setting Done status to Calendar task, images in Notes.

05/09/2011 – version 10.00.70
Fixed: behavior of Calendar Alarm, Printing HTML messages, topics, Notes, selected text, autosorting imported data, hyperlinks in Notes, Selector Grids imported from prior versions of Info Select, e-mail receiving, spelling Notes, importing Folders, Contexts, Notes with Images from prior versions, behavior of “Delete the message” option in E-mail Filter, Ticklers, behavior of progress bar on e-mail sending, saving Info Select window state on application reload, joining received e-mails with the same information in To, Cc and Bcc fields, Date format in Recveived e-mail messages, inappropriate saving of files that was not edited, improved data protection on application closing.

05/10/2011 – version 10.00.71
Fixed editing of E-mail messages and Notes.

09/15/2011 – version 10.00.75

Fixed: Viewing Notes and e-mails, e-mail receiving, Find and Replace, Item Info for files, exporting delivery to prior version, drag-and-drop attachment file from Note or e-mail to Windows Explorer, Browse History, Loading Info Select, Resend E-mail, Search, Adding buttons to Quick Access Bar, Send to File command, Delete Message option in Delivery, Selector Grid.

Added Home | Save | Purge command to reduce file size on disk.

09/16/2011 – version 10.00.76

Fixed: Import files from prior versions

09/21/2011  – version 10.00.77

Fixed: Printing

10/18/2011 – version 10.00.78


Application loading and closing, improved data protection on saving files, pasting text into e-mails and Notes, importing data from prior versions, printing, replacing ‘\t’ and ‘\r’, deleting items from Recycle Bin, Calendar alarm, printing databases, creating Workspace for Nested Windows, displaying items in Selector, Portable version, exporting data to Info Select 2007, processing data files in Selector, replying to e-mail, behavior of Shared Files, saving filer state on App reload.

11/10/2011 – version 10.00.79
Exporting Info Select data to prior version, application loading, application closing, opening and closing files, printing, receiving e-mail attachments, Searching, copying data from Web Page to Note, behavior of Databases, ruler bar in Notes, Quick Access Bar, links in Selector, checking for new versions, Item Size, sending Info Select data in Info Select version 2007, encryption, behavior of Read-Only items.
Improved data protection.

12/30/2011 – version 10.00.80
Importing data from prior versions, printing reports, numbered topics, Notes, Searching, Transporter, converting plain text e-mails to HTML format, saving items, pasting data from Web page, Searching in Calendar, behavior of stamps, behavior of encrypted files, joining lines in Notes, copying Notes into Notepad, Tickler Bar, size of Notes with attached images, Calendar alarm sound, sending e-mails, behavior of Find command in large Notes, pasting HTML text into Selector.

2/27/2012 – version 10.00.82
Setup for Windows 7, receiving and sending e-mail, Calendar, converting calendar from prior versions, behavior of Quick Access Bar, filtering Spam Filters, exporting Databases, receiving Local Mail, expanding large topics, closing application, searching, saving data, shared files, behavior of Update Data command, pasting to Database Field, Contexts, behavior of portable version, copying images from selector to e-mail body, filtering data, Selector grid, Drag-and-Drop in Selector, displaying Notes and e-mails.

4/9/2012 – version 10.00.83
Sending e-mail on Calendar Alarm, receiving e-mails with attachments, replying to e-mails, Undoing changes in Note, opening Files, behavior of Search Barrier in Recycle Bin, app closing, behavior of pinned-up Notes, Databases, opening files attachments, filtering unread e-mails, application installation, stamping in Notes, creating items from default templates, boolean searching, printing, opening encrypted files, backup options, contexts, converting data from old versions, joining Notes, sending Info Select data attachments.

5/28/2012 – version 10.00.84
App closing, e-mail receiving, replying to e-mail mesages, printing of Reports, sending Info Select data via e-mail, file loading, converting data from prior versions, behavior of Recycle Bins, formatting text in Databases, sorting items in Selector, Behavior of “Find and Replace” command in Database, opening encrypted files, behavior of ticklers.

6/13/2012 – version 10.00.85
Sending e-mail to multiple recipients, replying to e-mail, behavior of pinned-up e-mails, filtering databases, deleting items from Selector, searching, reports, Recycle Bins, improved data protection.

7/23/2012 – version 10.00.86
Importing encrypted files from prior versions, automatical updating to the latest version, pasting text into DB, App closing, printing selected text from Note, caption color for Files, thumbnail state of images in Notes, Quick Access Bar appearance, Browsing History, receiving e-mail, joining items in Selector, splitting Notes, installation Info Select for limited user accounts, receiving Info Select data via e-mail, searching for multiline text, sending local mail to Info Select 2007, drag and drop multiselected items in Selector, encrypting Notes, behavior of count stamp, inserting attachments, Dragging items to Hotspots, “Find Due Ticklers” command.
Exit button into the Main Menu, build date into About dialog.

8/20/2012 – version 10.00.87
Inserting fields into Form, editing Group Delivery, Printing Topics, editing captions in Selector, behavior of Address Book, scrolling Databases in Workspace, parsing of e-mail address on replying to e-mails, ticklers, nesting windows in Workspace, re-tiling fields of Database, address bar of Web Page item, copying Database fields, sorting items in Workspace, converting data from prior version, behavior of Find command, Database Totals, inserting attachments.

10/01/2012 – version 10.00.88
Transporter, splitting Notes with attachments, fields in Databases, behavior of Replace command, formatting text in pinned Note, Stamps in Reports, opening attachments in e-mail messages, behavior of unread e-mail filter, receiving items via Local Mail, e-mail receiving, creating e-mails with greetings, displaying images in HTML e-mail, executable tasks in Calendar, encrypting e-mails, behavior of Search filter.
Option to skip caption editing for new Notes.

11/15/2012 – version 10.00.89
Behavior of shared files, importing data from prior versions, sending e-mail, Selector Attachments, Selector Floating, Database Retiling, including Recycle Bin into Filters, Copy-Paste command in Selector, Printing Databases, behavior of Reports, Reply All command, Local Mail, Safe Mode.

11/26/2012 – version 10.00.90
Fixed: Formatting selected text in Note, switching Smart Folders.

12/21/2012 – version 10.00.91
Improved memory handling

02/07/2013 – version 10.00.92
Fixed: Improved memory handing, behavior of Reports, replying to HTML e-mail, Copy/Paste items in Selector, receiving e-mail into Filter, Retile Database, Searching in Database, Calendar View, Saving Selector Attachments on disk, printing Calendar, behavior of Send to File command, Browse History command, Find and Replace, import data from old versions.
Added possibility to change Database into Selector Grid.

04/11/2013 – version 10.00.93
Fixed: Application speed, pasting text into Note, receiving and sending e-mail, behavior of database templates, printing Calendar, searching database by field, spelling, Change Into Selector Grid command, generating e-mail message from Report, behavior of form fields in Workspace, Find and Replace command, Browsing history, Find next unread e-mail command, Selector attachments, behavior of contexts, importing data from prior versions, retile command for Databases.

04/18/2013 – version 10.00.94
Fixed: Behavior of shared files.

04/24/2013 – version 10.00.95
Fixed: E-mail receiving, pasting data into Selector.

05/24/2013 – version 10.00.96
Fixed: Copying data from HTML message, memory handing, application speed, e-mail receiving.

06/27/2013 – version 10.00.97
Fixed: Viewing HTML e-mails, Notes, e-mail receiving, replying.
Improved memory using.

07/31/2013 – version 10.00.98
Fixed: Switching contexts, searching text, updating files, saving data, opening files.

08/15/2013 – version 10.00.99
Fixed: Data sharing.

11/25/2013 – version 10.00.100
Fixed: Creating a reply to HTML message, receiving e-mail, Selector floating option, behavior of e-mail filters, copying data from shared files, pasting picture to e-mail message, editing e-mail messages, displaying items in Search filter, printing of selected text.

01/14/2014 – version 10.00.101
Fixed: Loading files, displaying HTML e-mails, saving changes to HTML e-mails, pasting data from web pages and HTML e-mails to Selector, autoupdating, behavior of encryptor on application startup.

03/21/2014 – version 10.00.102
Fixed: Sending e-mails to Groups, closing application, loading files on startup, creating HTML e-mails, pasting text into HTML e-mails, loading data into Notes, opening files in Selector, auto updating.

06/18/2014 – version 10.00.103
Fixed: Pasting data to Selector, printing e-mail messages, importing data from old version of Info Select, Find Delivery operation, attachments in e-mail messages, viewing of HTML e-mails, searching, synchronization data via Google Drive, replying to HTML messages, copying HTML messages.

07/14/2014 – version 10.00.104
Fixed: Sending encrypted e-mail messages, saving data to closed files.

10/07/2014 – version 10.00.105
Formatting Notes, opening files in Network, receiving e-mail, behavior of calendar alarm, viewing attachments in plain text e-mails, viewing received HTML e-mails with images.

02/22/2015 – version 10.00.106
Fixed: Switching Contexts, reply to HTML message, receiving HTML messages with attachments, editing Note, installation, saving state of open file on reloading application, import data from old versions.

03/18/2016 – version 10.00.108
Fixed: Importing data from old versions, opening data files.